The First Ever Rewards Program that Maintains Intentionality
26 mai 2021🤗Have we ever said just how special our community is? Well, it is. You are. We are so grateful to have a growing community of everyday people who simply want to make the world a better place. We hope this blog, our emails, and videos have helped foster that community, but we want to do more.
A great way to show our appreciation is of course, through 🏆rewards! But just as we lovvvveee our community, we also love intentionality. So, we knew this rewards program couldn’t be just about ‘buy more stuff, get more points’ because a lot of times people don’t really need any more stuff. And the last thing we want to do is push things onto people that they don’t need.
The most sustainable product is no product at all, so if we don’t need or want something, we probably shouldn’t buy it! But a lot of times we need a certain product to accomplish a certain task, or one of our friends does, which brings us to our first way to earn points.

Maybe it’s time for a replacement, or maybe you’re trying one of our products out for the first time. Maybe a friend or loved-one has been talking all about LastTissue or LastSwab or LastRound and so you figured you’d be the best friend ever and get them a gift. Whatever the reason, you can now enjoy the rewards for that!
Although, maybe the first reward we should have announced is the one you get by simply joining the rewards program! Just by signing up you’ll receive 250 points! You’re rich, in LastObject currency! To register right away, just click this link! Or, if you want to check out a more simple and summarized version of our program first, just click here.

That one’s pretty easy right!? Well you’ll love this next one then: all you have to do is have a birthday! We should always find an excuse to celebrate, so let’s do that now.

Happy Birthday to you!! 🎉
And since we’re on that level of celebrating birthdays, let’s get social! The following rewards are for when or if you decide to share us around on social media including Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Also, referring a friend can get you points as well! Thanks so much for sharing our mission and for helping others have access to products that reduce waste.

There are a lot more ways to earn rewards especially through reviews and also backing our crowdfunding campaigns! We value your honest opinions, whether they are good things or bad things! It helps us know what we need to improve on, so thanks for those! And thank you so much for backing our various campaigns creating products that help solve our global waste problem. 👊
Now, we know for the most part how to earn points, but what will points get you? We wanted to strike a balance between making it easier to purchase our products when they are right for you or others, and using them to help the world in other ways!
Once you reach 300 points, that’s $3 off your next order. 500 points is $5 dollars off, 1000 is $10, and 2000 is $20. However, once you reach the 2000 point mark and decide you don’t need $20 off of anything, you can instead have us plant a tree on your behalf!

We hope these rewards help show our appreciation and further contribute to our growing community of change makers surrounding LastObject. Of course enjoy the discounts on products if you (or others) do in fact have a use for them. Otherwise, let’s plant a forest!🌳🌲🌴
We don’t have to be on one extreme side when making sustainable decisions. We can be happy and proud of the objects that we buy, while also recognizing when it’s time not to buy something. We don’t have to own nothing in order to be sustainable, but we also don’t have to buy every single thing if we are going to buy things.
In a world where the extremes and 💈poles make the headlines, the answers are typically found in the middle. With a balance.☯️ Enjoy and embrace the fluctuation that exists in all life and in sustainability. Because it is inevitable. And hey, welcome to our new rewards!💚
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